Saturday, September 6, 2008


the way we perceive is something so powerful it influences our actions, words and thoughts. But the truth is, our perception is assumptions made without any basis. However, perception is very useful too, say a group of Mat Rempits approach you, obviously they are up to no good, anyone in their right mind (where perception comes into play) won't stay for a little chat. Sometimes, our perceptions could be wrong. Say for example you are walking alone at night, and there's a guy walking behind you, i'm pretty sure you will switch to 'alert mode' and your steps will suddenly lengthen as if you were taking part in a walkathon. But truth is, he is just an ordinary guy, like you, walking at night. Why shouldnt he be the one who's afraid?

i went to a friend's birthday party and we were segregated into 2 groups because he invited his high school friends and his college friends. We were totally different people with different dynamics, we are the chinese speaking, more reserved type but they on the other hand, had on lavish clothing, expensive gadgets, and it's as if there were in a competition competing to see who can show the most skin. This is the part where i judge them even without getting to know them, who knows, maybe they are actually very nice people? And maybe they too, perceive us as losers?


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